Anxiety Attack treatment

My anxiety attack treatment combines understanding of what anxiety is, audio programmes you can use and my experience over many years as an anxiety attack therapist.
anxiety attack treatment

Anxiety Attack Treatment explained

My anxiety attack treatment begins with the proposition that anxiety is a normal healthy response to living in a world of risk and danger. This requires us to be watchful to avoid or minimise the danger. And indeed if we can, we should seek to transform the experience of risk into an opportunity. It is about balance, isn’t it? I think we all know that.  This is because the avoidance of all risk is not just impossible, but that attempts to do so will bring with it, additional dangers. And one of these is periodic anxiety or panic attacks. 

The problem arises when anxious feelings are strong and frequent and excessive in relation to the actual risk out there. Such that these induce an anxiety attack.   It’s as if a machine is running at maximum capacity too much of the time that it blows a gasket. The clutch has gone. There is no lower gear. 

But with anxiety attacks, you are not dying.  Your body can cope even though the signals from your primitive brain are screaming otherwise. You can read here of the physiology of panic or anxiety attacks. 

The best way to understand an anxiety attack is that it reflects an overly sensitised flight or fight response – that the primitive brain is on continuous high alert and so always at risk of going over the edge.

I separate the causes of anxiety attacks into Four. And then show you how I will help you. By a combination of information on this website, questionnaires for you to complete, audio programmes and one-on-one therapy.

Four causes of Anxiety Attacks

There are four basic causes for the over sensitised flight and fight response and depending which are the most important, this will determine the best anxiety attack treatment. So are your anxiety attack mainly linked to:

  1. Trauma memories
  2. Patterns and habits that have been around for too long
  3. Overwhelming life problems
  4. An inability to relax well?

These four are linked and will influence each other and your anxiety attacks.. The question is – which of the four is your prime mover? 

Trauma Memories

Trauma memories must be identified and then cleared. We will do this by using the  Rewind trance method

Or you can undertake your own trauma release work – with the Trauma Release Breakthrough Audio Programme

Many of my clients choose to clear their trauma memories in their own time using this programme – having begun the process with me.

Damaging Patterns

The sources and resolution of our significant damaging patterns and habits is summarised.

Further, the Clearing Patterns Breakthrough Audio Programme will help you identify and resolve these for you.

This  audio programme is often as an essential part of my anxiety attack treatment.

Life Problems

The Human Givens Organising Idea, our Human Needs and our Human Resources is the framework we will use.

How well are you getting your essential Human Needs met?

How well is your life working?

Take this Human Givens NEEDS AUDIT

This framework is the basis of My Take Action Be Remarkable Breakthrough Audio Programme.

Learn to Relax

Begin here, my Relaxation resources page.

And see how you are coping now, by completing this questionnaire.

How has your Last Week been?

I will happily comment in complete confidence

Relaxation can be practised. The Conscious Relaxation Audio Programme could be just what you need.

How can I help you?

Free 30 min Human Givens Consultation

My free Human Givens Consultation

Complete the Questionnaire