Depression and Anxiety Test

depression anxiety test

A depression and anxiety test to help you find the answers you need

Depression and Anxiety are reaching epidemic proportions and not just as a result of Covid. And though depression and anxiety are different, we know that they are close cousins. So, when considering a depression and anxiety test, it is useful to envisage a spectrum. At one end we find depression and at the other end anxiety.

depression anxiety spectrum

Can’t Concentrate
Mind out of Control

Cannot Relax
Bad Sleep

Where are you on the spectrum? Do you believe you are clearly at one end? Or perhaps you would place yourself somewhere in between? This depression and anxiety test will help you to distinguish between the two extremes of the spectrum. And if you are in between, you will see whether you are closer to the depression or anxiety end.

Depression and Anxiety test: How well is your life working for you right now?

Human beings as living creatures require nutrition in order to survive and flourish. And essential nutrition is not just food and shelter, but emotional also. We have vital emotional needs, around safety and security, satisfying work and activity, social and intimate connectivity and relationships, status, meaning and purpose. Read about human givens needs.

How well is your life working for you? Find out by completing this Human Givens Emotional Needs Audit

How well is your life working?

Take this Human Givens NEEDS AUDIT

 Anxiety and Depression test: Are you sinking?


The image of falling dominoes is a powerful one when dealing with a test for depression and anxiety. The dominoes illustrate a profound truth about mental and emotional distress. This truth is that both anxieties and depression may become an increasing problem by means of a self-feeding process. So, as we do our best to deal with the first signs of mild or moderate anxiety/depression, this begins to impact on our ability to get our human needs met. And as anxiety/depression becomes more serious, we retreat even more into the vicious circle.

And if you are suffering from anxieties that you cannot deal with or falling into exhaustion and depression, then you will be living a life where your basic emotional nutrition needs are not being well met. You are hungry, and perhaps starving? This is what your anxieties and or depression is communicating to you – clearly and unequivocally.  Does that make sense? Yes, of course it does.

The idea being expressed here is a vital element of your depression and anxiety test. It is a summary of the revolutionary Human Givens Organising Idea.

Read more on the Human Givens website


A self-feeding negative process, a Vicious Cycle will feed all anxieties and depressions

Where are you on this vicious cycle? Here are two questionnaires, which need to play a big part in the depression and anxiety test.

The first asks how you have been over the last week and if you complete it, I will be able to tell you if you are currently mild, moderate or at an extreme.

The second asks specific questions around depression. If you complete this you will know whether you are depressed and if you are, whether your depression is mild, moderate or severe.

How has your Last Week been?

I will happily comment in complete confidence

Are you Depressed?

Human Givens Depression Test

With these questions, you can understand the nature of the depression (as part of the anxiety and depression test).

Tiredness in the morning is a key symptom of depression, because if depressed you are engaged in too much high energy dreaming.

Your black and white thinking will be resulting in thoughts of hurting yourself, collapsing self confidence and retreating from social interactions and satisfying work.

Go here to find out more.

Trauma memories are part of most anxieties. Trauma is also present as the cause for most phobias. It follows, that to heal from anxiety requires that the trauma is cleared.

Trauma Treatment

Depression and anxiety test – where are you on the Spectrum?

depression anxiety spectrum

We all understand the nature of healthy worrying. This is essential. For example, it Is important to worry before an exam if we have not prepared for it as it will prompt action (studying in preparation) to clear the anxiety.  Both depression and anxieties are fuelled and fed by excess unhealthy worrying and rumination that does not lead to useful action.

For anxieties, the worrying leads to avoidance, extreme negative what if projections and often fitful and bad sleep. For depression, the worrying causes a high level of dreaming which is exhausting and this feeds into an inability to think well and act well.

Unhealthy anxieties just float around and are amplified as life needs are less and less well met and can transform into severe mental and emotional distress.

But there are differences. If you are on the anxiety end of spectrum, then excess worrying will lead to unhealthy “what if” projections of possible futures, avoidant behaviour to hide away from social events or travelling or important confrontations. Anxieties can lead to self-medication with drugs or alcohol.

If you are on the depression end of the spectrum, your excess rumination will cause you to over dream. This is exhausting and will cause black-and-white thinking, and an inability to concentrate and think properly. And so an incapacity to function well and get needs met.

Can’t Concentrate
Mind out of Control

Cannot Relax
Bad Sleep

Anxiety is a volcano and Depression is the flood

anxiety volcano

Anxieties can shoot up and take over and explode. And very often there is trauma and powerful self-destructive emotional patterns to clear. Your anxiety therapy with me will be able to clear this, using powerful hypnotic methods.

depression flood

Depression by contrast can seep into every corner of your life and so become highly destructive. Your depression therapy with me will be restoring energy and hope, as the first vital step – and so drying you out.

Sleep – the best diagnostic tool for your depression and anxiety test

Sleep is a problem for those at both ends of the anxiety and depression spectrum. But these sleep difficulties differ.  Anxieties lead to fitful and interrupted sleep with intrusive thoughts that interrupt and disturb sleep.

By contrast, depression is typically accompanied by uninterrupted sleep. In fact depressed individuals can fall asleep very quickly, because they are always tired. But the sleep does not refresh because too much of it is high-energy and exhausting dreaming sleep.

Sleep – the best diagnostic tool

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