Epiphanies and Aha moments with Breakthrough Audios

Light bulb moments, when your comprehension broadens and expands can be truly liberating.
Breakthrough Audio Programmes

Expand your horizons and see a bigger picture

Epiphanies are not everyday occurrences but when you have them, you know it. They will make so much is sense and expand your understanding with often, truly life changing consequences. Truly a light bulb moment.


As a counsellor/psychotherapist, I have a long standing gripe with the profession I am part of. It is that there is such an abysmal level of understanding of what drives most of the mental problems that we humans suffer from.

I am talking of depressions, anxieties, addictions, obsessive behaviours – even psychosis and schizophrenia.

It’s actually more than a gripe; it is a despairing sense of frustration. Because if you don’t know what is going on, how can you do anything to relieve the fears of those suffering and how can you hope to do much good in relieving this epidemic of mental afflictions?

And our mental health epidemic continues and the over-reliance on medication, that we barely understand is also increasing.

Did you know, to give just one example, that the use of antidepressants in the UK is rising by over 6% per year? This means a doubling of usage every 12 years.

Why do I get so angry and frustrated? It is because my Human Givens training has taught me so much about what actually causes people to get lost -in depressions, anxieties and addictions and the like. And from there, how to regain mental health and equilibrium.

Over the years of my therapy practice, I have developed my own language to explain what is happening to my clients. And I have found that this makes so much sense to them.

They then experience Aha moments. They have their very own epiphanies, with life changing consequences.

Epiphanies and aha moments are lodged deep in the unconscious. They take pressure off and from that change is easier.

My clients discover the liberation that comes from experiential knowledge and that this knowledge creates hope.

My Breakthrough Audios are using the wisdom of the Human Givens teaching – and then evolved and refined by my one on one therapy, over more than a 15 years.

These audios use the very same psychological insights, therapy methods, metaphors, stories and delivery.

I am of course standing on the shoulders of giants – Joe Griffin and Ivan Tyrrell (the founders of Human Givens), Milton Erickson, Bill O’Hanlon, Arthur Deikman, Idries Shah and many more.

Above all it is to my clients over these many years that I owe the most.

  • Overcoming Depression, Hope and Firefighting – liberation from new understanding of your depression could play an enormous part in your recovery. 
  • Releasing Trauma – self-diagnosis of the broad nature of trauma might astonish you. 
  • Conscious Relaxation – will explain exactly why the practice of relaxation methods is so helpful.
  • Clearing Patterns – by truly understanding how our past impacts on bad habits today, will help you let them go.
  • Taking Action, Be Remarkable – is based on the powerful organising idea of Human Givens.
  • Moving Beyond Addiction – the understanding of what causes addiction lies at the heart of these programme of change.

You can listen again and again.  And each time you do, there will be further enlightenment and further healing.  You will be finding what you need.

Six Breakthrough Self Help Audio Programmes


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