Our Emotional Pain Points and how to clear them

We don’t naturally think in terms of medical diagnoses but in terms of emotional pain. Read how I aim to help.
pain points

Those who are suffering mental and emotional distress don’t tend to see their difficulties in terms of nice clean medical diagnoses – such as Depression, Generalised Anxiety Disorder and the like – but Pain Points.
Is that true for you?


Do these Five Pain Points resonate?

  • Exhaustion, both mental and emotional – which leads to Depression
  • Feeling out of control and so Panicking and in Dread – which is where Anxieties come from
  • Shame and Frustration from repeating the same mistakes again and again
  • Stuckness – unable to move on from either powerful memories and experiences or life situations (work, relationships) that are not working.
  • Trapped in Addictions and the hopelessness and humiliation that arises


Perhaps you are living with more than just one of these pain points.

And they can merge into each other to some degree. And all of these pain points are self feeding as we do our best.  Even as we are aware that this is not helping and indeed may be making matters worse.

How I aim to relieve the Pain?

  • By a quick injection of hope and mental energy
  • By clearing your head space – of foolish fears, bad memories and, damaging habits
  • By shifting your focus to what is good and useful in your life experiences and belief systems
  • By helping you to take the first practical step, which will then lead onto the next … and the next


My Method explained

  • Normalising is about explanations that will make complete sense to you and so take away feelings of helplessness, guilt or shame.
  • Utilising is about understanding your strengths even if these may be hidden or not fully appreciated and using these in the service of healing you.
  • De-traumatising is about the identification of trauma memories and experiences and using the Rewind trance method to remove their power to hurt you.
  • Activating is the right action for you to take – to better get your life working and so getting your essential needs met
  • Reframing is about shifting your understanding and emotional responses so that you are able to live easier.

Would this solve your problems?

  • Explanation – why are you feeling as you do?
  • Firefighting – what to do now to begin to feel better quickly
  • Clearing bad memories that will just not go away
  • Confidence building – shifting your focus to what works and away from persistent negativity
  • Rehearsal and Goal setting

What I will not be doing 

  • No endless talking about your problems
  • No long lists of “health tips” or statements of the “bleeding obvious” that leave you feeling helpless
  • No impossibly difficult advice before you are ready – such as to meditate or join a gym
  • No focus on those repeating thoughts that you don’t need to be reminded are crazy and foolish.

I rest my case.

podcasts bnnr

Listen to this
Just 3-4 minutes each

Emotional healing begins when there is a movement in the right direction, which can then develop a life of its own Listen/download

All good therapy requires a reframe – which is to change our focus towards our strengths and beneficial change Listen/download

Scott Miller has had a great influence on my practice by his emphasis on measuring outcomes Listen/download

Many more podcasts here – depression, case studies, good counselling, wellbeing and psychology


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