Stress and Anxiety Relief
Ask the right questions for stress and anxiety relief. There are just two.
Stress and Anxiety Relief – the questions to ask
Here is the good news. This post on the subject of stress and anxiety relief will not contain a long list of tips to follow. There will be no mention of the importance of exercise or yoga or proper breathing, or of the proven benefits of meditation and mindfulness, or the contribution that good nutrition or certain supplements can play or anything like that.
My hope is that this will be a significant relief even before we begin. You have probably tried and failed to comply with these lists on previous occasions. And even worse, that you managed to make a good attempt to comply but are still stressed and anxious.
So, let’s go back to fundamentals.
What is your Stress and Anxiety saying to you?
Stress and Anxiety relief require that you listen. That you really listen.
Is your stress and anxiety saying to you that your life is not working properly and you need to do something differently?
Your stress could be your best friend and the fact that you are ignoring it means that it needs to shout even louder. Relief from your stress and anxiety may require that you live a life where essential needs are better met.
We know that we have essential human needs. These needs are around safety and control, relationships, work and meaning. What has changed in your life such that stress and anxiety is now more insistent than ever? Could the answer to this question be the beginning of your stress and anxiety relief?
Do you need to relieve Trauma?
Are trauma memories over activating your flight or fight response?
Would clearing these trauma memories be the stress and anxiety relief you need?
You need to see if you can link these strong stress and anxiety feelings today to memories from the past. And are these feelings flaring up now because what is happening in your life now is a crude reminder of that past memory?
If that is the case, then there is some threshold trauma and that has to be dealt with. Perhaps my Trauma Release audio programme is the answer for you?
Here is one tip for you – just one
Are you ready – it is this. You should practice relaxation. Because the more relaxed you are more of the time, then your stress levels will not rise into the red zone but remain at amber – so they are manageable and you can hear what they are saying.
And how do you practice being relaxed? Well my Conscious Relaxation audio programme might help but so also could much else – exercise, active engagement and busyness, time with friends, being creative and curious. See what works?
How can I help you?
Free 30 min Human Givens Consultation